KIKUSUI Electronics Corp.
PWR-01 Interface Manual
Error code
Error message description
-363 Input buffer overrun
Buffer overrun error. This error applies when the RS232C
interface is used.
-365 Time out error
Time out error. This error applies when the RS232C inter-
face is used.
Query errors
An error in the range [-499, -400] indicates that the output queue control of the instrument has
detected a problem with the message exchange protocol described in IEEE 488.2, chapter 6.
The occurrence of any error in this class shall cause the Query Error (bit 2) in the event status
register to be set.
Error code
Error message description
-400 Query error (generic)
This is the generic query error for devices that cannot
detect more specific errors.
Received a new command before the response was read.
-420 Query UNTERMINATED The controller attempted to read the response after the
device received an unsupported query or has not received
a query.
The -100 "COMMAND ERROR" error and this error are
stored in the error queue. The controller will time out.
The error queue, input buffer, and output buffer are full
when sending large binary data as a response, and the
transmission timing is off.
after indefinite response
Received a separate query in semicolon-delimited format
after a query that returns a response in an indefinite form.
(Example: A command such as the following. *IDN?;SYS-
Operation Complete Event
An error in the range [-899: -800] is used when the instrument wishes to report a
488.2 operation complete event to the error/event queue. This event occurs when
instrument’s synchronization protocol, having been enabled by an *OPC command,
completes all selected pending operations. This protocol is described in IEEE
488.2, section 12.5.2. This event also sets the operation complete bit (bit 0) of the
Standard Event Status Register.
Error code
Error message description
-800 Operation complete
The instrument has completed all selected pending opera-
tions in accordance with the IEEE 488.2, 12.5.2 synchroni-
zation protocol.
Error code
Error message description
-221 Settings conflict
Indicates that a legal program data element was parsed but
could not be executed due to the current device state.
-222 Data out of range
Indicates that a legal program data element was parsed but
could not be executed because the interpreted value was
outside the legal range as defined by the device.
-223 Too much data
Indicates that a legal program data element of block,
expression, or string type was received that contained
more data than the device could handle due to memory or
related device-specific requirements.
-224 Illegal parameter value
Used where an exact value, from a list of possible values,
was expected.
-230 Data corrupt or stale
Possibly invalid data; new reading started but not complet-
ed since last access.
-241 Hardware missing
Indicates that a legal program command or query could not
be executed because of missing device hardware.
■ Device-specific errors
An error in the range [-399, -300] indicates that the instrument has detected an
error which is not a command error, a query error, or an execution error. The occur-
rence of any error in this class should cause the device-specific error bit (bit 3) in
the event status register to be set.
Error code
Error message description
-310 System error
Indicates that some error, termed “system error” by the
device, has occurred.
-311 Memory error
Indicates some physical fault in the device’s memory, such
as parity error.
-313 Calibration memory lost
Indicates that nonvolatile calibration data used by the
*CAL? command has been lost.
-314 Save/recall memory lost
Indicates that the nonvolatile data saved by the *SAV?
command has been lost.
-315 Configuration memory lost Indicates that nonvolatile configuration data saved by the
device has been lost.
-330 Self-test failed
Self-test failed
-350 Queue overflow
A specific code entered into the queue in lieu of the code
that caused the error. This code indicates that there is
no room in the queue and an error occurred but was not
-360 Communication error
Communication error when the flow control is turned off.
This error applies when the RS232C interface is used.
-362 Framing error in program
Framing error. This error applies when the RS232C inter-
face is used.