Theory of Operation
Theory of Operation
The following is a description of the operation of the test set. Reference the test set block
diagram on
. This section assumes the user has a general understanding of
couplers, switches, and network analyzers.
The test set adds 16 test ports to a 4-Port network analyzer. The internal RF switches direct the
source and receiver signals of the analyzer to the selected measurement test port.
The switches and bridges are arranged in two groups to control the source and receiver paths of
the network analyzer port to the couplers in the column under the analyzer port.
Test Set Control Board
The test set Control Board (N5261-63006) is a surface mount, printed circuit assembly (PCA). It
provides a connection to the power supply, and the network analyzer’s test set I/O for control of
the RF switch paths (through the Switch Interface board (U3025-60062). The front panel “Active”
and port LEDs are on only when the network analyzer has addressed the U3022AM42 test set.
The rear panel fan is on when the controller board supplies are operational.
Switch Interface Board
The Switch Interface board (U3025-63062) is installed on top of the test set Controller Board and
provides connections to the RF switches. This board regulates the DC voltage supply (24 volts),
and routes logic signals to the switches through harness cables connected to plugs J10, J11,
J20, J30, J31, J37, J40, and J41.
Front Panel LED Boards
Four LED board assemblies (N5261-63005) are mounted to the front panel. The LED’s indicate
the Source Path (amber/yellow color), or Receiver Path (green colored) shown as “S” and “R” on
the front panel. The LED board assemblies are connected to the test set controller board by
ribbon cables to J5, J6, J7 and J8.
DUT Control Board
The DUT Control Board (U3020-63223) provides eight control lines for controlling an external
device. The DUT Control Board installed on the rear panel and is connected to the test set
Control Board through a ribbon cable to J9.
Power Supply
The switching power supply (0950-4729) coverts the AC line voltages to DC. This is an automatic
line voltage selecting power supply. The DC supplies are connected to the test set control board
through four wire harness to J11, J12, J13 and J14. The 9/10 Vdc section of the power supply is
not used in this instrument. The AC line voltage (100 to 240 V @ 50/60 Hz) is provided from the
line module on the rear panel.
Keysight U3022AM42 User's and Service Guide