Keysight M9391A PXIe Signal Analyzer & M9381A PXIe Vector Signal Generator 1 MHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz
system - 8-channel VSG with 8-channel VSA configuration, the
modules associated with the first channel in both chassis are
Slots 3, 5, 10, and 4.
The first channel in the master chassis is considered the System
Master and it must be configured in the "Configuration" window
as Channel 1 of the eight-channel VSA. The Reference module in
Slot 10 of the master chassis must be included in its
The first channel in the slave chassis is considered the Group
Master and it must be configured in the "Configuration" window
as Channel 5 of the eight-channel VSA. The Reference module in
Slot 10 of the slave chassis must be included in its configuration.
The Reference module for all other channels in the eight-channel
VSA configuration must be set to "None".
Name the new configuration in the "
3. Name the configuration
section. Use a meaningful name for later identification.
Save the new configuration by selecting the "OK" button.
Repeat step 2 for each additional channel, selecting the next higher slot
number offered and setting the Reference to "None".