Keysight M9391A PXIe Signal Analyzer & M9381A PXIe Vector Signal Generator 1 MHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz
Each chassis must have a M9300A Reference module in slot 10.
The first (leftmost) M9391A channel in each chassis is designated as the
Master of that chassis and must contain the M9300A Reference module in
the same chassis Slot 10. The M9391A instrument in Channel 1 is
designated as the System Master while the Master M9391A instrument in
the second chassis is designated as the Group Masters of that chassis. All
other M9391A instruments in the configuration are designated as slaves and
must not contain any M9300A reference module in their configuration.
Each M9391A instrument is cabled between its modules as usual. For more
information, refer to
The OCXO out of the System Master Reference module is connected to a
Tee, which splits the 10MHz timebase signal to be connected to each
Master's Reference module's Ref In connector.
Each Master's M9214A Digitizer module Sync connector must be connected
to each other.
For more information about the hardware arrangement of upto eight M9391A
channels in two chassis, refer to
Multiple M9391A PXIe VSAs in Two Chassis
In the New Hardware Configuration dialog, each channel in a Multi-channel M9391
VSA must be configured separately. Channels in the same chassis must logically be
added contiguously in the dialog but physically from left to right (based on the
physical location in the chassis) and in a sequential order. The System Master must
be added as Channel 1. The Group Master must be the first channel in its chassis;
for an eight channel VSA, this is Channel 5. A M9300A Reference module is
specified for each master and
is specified as the Reference for each slave
Configuration Procedure
This procedure is for setting up and configuring a system.
To create a new M9391A instrument, use the Keysight 89600 VSA software and
follow these steps:
Open the "Hardware" window in the Keysight 89600 VSA software by
from the menu bar. When
Utilities > Hardware > Configurations...
you hover over the last element in this sequence you will see a listing of the
relevant configurations. Click on the "Add New Hardware" icon