Keysight M8131A 16/32 GSa/s Digitizer User’s Guide
Remote Programming
This command is only available with option STR. It starts ODI streaming on
all ports, that are activated and for which the data producer is activated.
on page 147. If the DDC (Digital Down
Conversion) is switched on, IQ samples are streamed. If the DDC is
switched off, raw data samples are streamed.
Example: Stream out IQ data samples on ODI port 1
// Activate ODI port as producer.
:ODI:PORT1:ACT R141, 2048, PROD, IBAN, IBAN, ""
// Activate ODI port as consumer on the other side of the ODI link.
// Read ODI port communication status and wait until ODI link is up.
// Active, TxReady and RxReady (bits 0-3) of the returned status should //
all be 1.
// Activate the data producer.
:ODI:PROD1:ACT 0, NHE, IQ16B1CH, ODIC, NTIM, 1, 26214
// Activate the data consumer on the other side of the ODI link.
// Start ODI streaming.
This command is only available with option STR. It stops ODI streaming on
all ports.
Example: Stop the data streaming on ODI port 1.
// Stop ODI streaming.
// De-activate the data producer.