Keysight M8131A 16/32 GSa/s Digitizer User’s Guide
Remote Programming
:CALibrate:LATency[:STEP] {GSYNc | ALIGnphase | SSYNc
| ARMadjust | PREPare}
This command executes a step in the latency calibration of the data path
between digitizer (master) and DSP (slave). As mentioned in brackets,
some commands are sent to and affect only the master and some only the
slave module. It is indicated as well, when commands are relevant only for
one calibration mode (SEParate, COMBined).
• GSYNc - Generate clock signal at SYNC OUT (master, SEParate).
• ALIGnphase - Use the clock signal received at SYNC IN to align the
phase of the core clock (slave).
• SSYNc - Stop the clock signal generation at SYNC OUT (master).
• ARMMAdjust - Arm the module for latency adjustment (slave). When
the master starts sending data over the ODI, the latency is measured in
the slave and the FIFOs are adjusted accordingly.
• PREPare - Set the SYNC OUT to pulse mode (master, SEParate). When
data streaming is started, a single pulse is sent at the SYNC OUT.