Models 707B and 708B Switching Matrix Reference Manual
Section 2: General operation
707B-901-01 Rev. A / August 2010
Use two network interface cards to connect to a corporate network and instrumentation hub
If you need to connect independent corporate and instrumentation networks, two network interface
cards are required in the computer controller. While the two networks are independent, stations on
the corporate network can access the instrumentation, and vice versa, using the same computer.
This configuration resembles a GPIB setup in which the computer is connected to a corporate
network, but also has a GPIB card in the computer to communicate with instrumentation.
Figure 37: Use two network interface cards to connect to a corporate network and
instrumentation hub
Instrumentation connection to enterprise routers or servers
This connection uses an existing network infrastructure to connect instruments to the computer
controller. In this case, the network resources must be obtained from the network administrator.
Usually, the instruments are kept inside the corporate firewall, but the network administrator could
assign resources that allow them to be outside the firewall. This would allow instruments to be
connected to the Internet using appropriate security methods. Thus, data collection and distribution
could be controlled from virtually any location.
Figure 38: Instrumentation connection to enterprise routers or servers