Models 707B and 708B Switching Matrix Reference Manual
Section 8: Troubleshooting guide
707B-901-01 Rev. A / August 2010
Troubleshooting GPIB interfaces
If the hardware is not recognized by the computer:
1. Uninstall the software drivers.
2. Reboot the computer.
3. Check for newer drivers on the vendor’s website. Check that the drivers are valid for the
operating system you have and any updates that might be necessary. This information is typically
found in the readme file that comes with the drivers.
4. Install software drivers.
5. Reboot the computer.
6. Plug in the hardware.
If it is still not recognized, you can try a different computer using a different operating system to rule
out operating system issues.
If this does not resolve the issue, contact the vendor of the GPIB controller for assistance.
Timeout errors
If your GPIB controller is recognized by the operating system, but you get a timeout error when you
try to communicate with the instrument, check the following:
1. Confirm that the GPIB address you assigned to the instrument is unique and between the range
of 0 to 30. It should not be 0 or 21 because they are common controller addresses.
2. Check cabling connection. GPIB cables are heavy and can fall out of the connectors if they are
not screwed in securely.
3. Substitute cables to verify cable integrity. For example, if you can send and receive ASCII text,
but you cannot do a binary transfer, check your program and the decoding of the binary data. If
that does not resolve the problem, try another cable. ASCII text only uses seven data lines in the
cable; the binary transfer requires all eight lines.
Troubleshooting LAN interfaces
This section provides information on troubleshooting LAN interfaces.
For detailed information on setting up remote interfaces see
(on page 4-4).