Appendix C
Status model
In this appendix:
Overview ................................................................... C-1
Status model diagrams.............................................. C-3
Status function summary ......................................... C-12
Clearing registers and queues................................. C-13
Startup state ............................................................ C-13
Programming and reading registers ........................ C-13
Status byte and service request (SRQ) ................... C-15
TSP-Link system status........................................... C-19
Each Keithley Instruments Models 707B and 708B Switching Matrix provides a number of status
registers and queues that are collectively referred to as the "status model." Through manipulation and
monitoring of these registers and queues, you can view and control various instrument events.
Commands included in your test program can determine if a service request (SRQ) event has
occurred and the cause of the event. The heart of the status model is the Status Byte Register. All
status model registers and queues eventually flow into the Status Byte Register. As a programmer,
you are in full control of all enable registers, while the Switching Matrix has full control of all event
status registers. In order for an event to be accounted for in the register's summary bit, first enable it
by setting the appropriate bit in the applicable enable register. The entire status model is illustrated by
the Status model diagrams.