Section 6: Instrument programming
Models 707B and 708B Switching Matrix Reference Manual
707B-901-01 Rev. A / August 2010
TSP-Link network group functions
Group number
Group members
Current function
0 Master
Initiates and runs a test script on
Node 2
Initiates and runs a test script on
Node 5
Initiates and runs a test script on
Node 6
Group leader
Node 2
Runs the test script initiated by the
master node
Initiates remote operations on Node
Node 3
Performs remote operations initiated
by Node 2
Group leader
Node 5
Runs the test script initiated by the
master node
Initiates remote operations on Node
Node 4
Performs remote operations initiated
by Node 5
Group leader
Node 6
Runs the test script initiated by the
master node
TSP-Link has three synchronization lines that function similarly to the digital I/O synchronization lines.
digio functions and attributes
(on page 3-12) for more
detailed information.
Using groups to manage nodes on TSP-Link network
The primary purpose of a group is to assign each node to run different test scripts at the same time
(in parallel). Each node must belong to a group; a group can consist of one or more members. Group
numbers are not assigned automatically; you must use the Instrument Control Library (ICL)
commands to assign each node to a group.
Master node overview
The master node is always the node that coordinates activity on the TSP-Link network. All nodes
assigned to group 0 belong to the same group as the master node.
The following list describes the functionality of the master node:
The only node that can send the
command on a remote node
Cannot initiate remote operations on any node in a remote group if any node in that remote group
is performing an overlapped operation
Sends the
command to wait for the local group that the master node belongs to,
to wait for a remote group, or to wait for all nodes on the TSP-Link network to complete
overlapped operations