— Filter state (on/off) and configuration can be
changed for any measurement function, except fre-
quency, period, continuity, and diode test. The FILTER
key toggles between filter on (FILT annunciator on) and
filter off. After pressing FILTER to enable the filter, you
can then enter the filter count (1 to 100), and select the
filter type (moving or repeating).
The moving filter uses a first-in, first-out (FIFO) stack.
After each new conversion is placed in the stack, the
contents of the stack are averaged to yield a filtered
reading. The repeating filter fills the stack, calculates the
filtered reading, and then clears the stack for the next
group of conversions.
Changing temperature measurement configuration
Press SHIFT and then SENSOR. Three choices are avail-
able using the
, and
• UNITS – C, K, F. Specify units.
• SENSOR – TCOUPLE or 4W-RTD. Specify sensor
• TYPE – J, K, N, T (thermocouple type) or PT100,
USER, PT3916, PT385, F100, D100 (4W-RTD type).
• JUNC – SIM or CH1. Simulate a reference junction
temperature (for direct thermocouple connection to
the input), or use reference junction (channel 1) on
the switching card.
Relative (rel)
Rel can be used to null offsets or subtract a baseline
reading from present and future readings. When rel is
enabled by pressing REL (REL annunciator on), the
instrument uses the present readings as the relative
value. Subsequent readings will be the difference
between the actual input value and the rel value. You
can define a rel value for each function. Pressing REL a
second time disables rel.