DN1237-0003 © 1997-2000 Kantech Systems Inc.
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SECTION 11 - - C o m p a
- - C o m p a
- - C o m p a
- - C o m p a
- - C o m p a t i b i l i t y w i t h K T
t i b i l i t y w i t h K T
t i b i l i t y w i t h K T
t i b i l i t y w i t h K T
t i b i l i t y w i t h K T - 2 0 0
- 2 0 0
- 2 0 0
- 2 0 0
- 2 0 0
Installers familiar with the installation can
use the checklist with the
Step 1. Preparing Installation of the
Required to install the KT-200:
KT-200 controller
EOLs resistors for inputs
Keys to open KT-200 cabinet
AC Transformer
Two 12 volt batteries
Ground clamp
A visual verification should be made when unpacking the KT-200.
Any missing item or damaged component should be reported
immediately . Install the associated software EPROM on the KT-
200's EPROM socket located directly above the on-board lithium
battery. As with every other chip on the pc board, the EPROM
alignment notch should be pointing to the top of the pc board.
Step 2. Physical Installation
Check for ideal location indoors
Stay away from electrical or communication
The KT-200 controller cabinet has been designed to be mounted
on a wall without any additional enclosures. The cabinet is large
enough to accommodate the battery backup supply and the
necessary wiring connections for most applications. EMT con-
duit knockouts are provided in 1/2" and 3/4" on all sides of the
The cabinet should be mounted indoors, in a secure location
providing normal temperature and humidity levels, leaving 23 cm.
(8 inches) clear space around all sides and a minimum of 33 cm. (13
inches) clear space in front of the cabinet. The location should be
easily accessible for servicing the equipment and it is recom-
mended that controllers be located near the controlled doors.
The controllers must be located at a minimum distance of 2 meters
(6 feet) from any high voltage equipment or wiring, at a minimum
distance of 2 meters (6 feet) from electrical equipment susceptible
of generating electrical interference, at a minimum distance of 1
meter (3 feet) from telephone equipment or lines and, at a minimum
of 8 meters (25 feet) from any transmitting equipment. Finally,
physical access by keys on controlled doors must be provided so
that the KT-200 can be accessed for servicing in case of malfunc-
Step 3. Power Requirements
Install 24VAC/75VA transformer
Locate batteries in cabinet
The KT-200 controller must be powered by a 24VAC75VA wire-
in transformer. The transformer is usually mounted by a licensed
electrician on a 4" X 4" electrical box located near the unit.
Power should only be applied to the unit when all connections are
completed and tested
When AC power is present, the green LED will be on. After the
unit is running, if the AC supply is removed, the battery backup
will support normal operation up to 20 hours with two (2) 12 volt
gel type batteries of 7 Amp/hour. An internal battery verification
will cut the battery power when the battery voltage level falls
below 22 volt and the red DC LED indicator will remain on until the
battery voltage has dropped below 18 volt.
NOTE: The KT-200 unit will not start on batteries alone. The AC
supply must be initially connected.