DN1237-0003 © 1997-2000 Kantech Systems Inc.
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SECTION 5 - - P h y s i c a l C o m p o n e n t s C o n f i g u r a t i o n
- - P h y s i c a l C o m p o n e n t s C o n f i g u r a t i o n
- - P h y s i c a l C o m p o n e n t s C o n f i g u r a t i o n
- - P h y s i c a l C o m p o n e n t s C o n f i g u r a t i o n
- - P h y s i c a l C o m p o n e n t s C o n f i g u r a t i o n
Controller Definition
This feature is used to define the controllers (reader type, keypad
type, controller type, etc).
Field Definition
Enter the controller’s identification label or click on the pick list.
The controller label is composed of 12 alphanumeric characters
or less. It is used to identify a controller in the system. For example,
the label may be used to select a specific controller when defining
Controller name
Enter the name or the location of the controller. The controller
name is composed of 30 alphanumeric characters or less and
provides detailed information concerning the controller.
Controller type
Select which controller type will be used with WinPass. A system
cannot be defined using two different types of controllers.
Controller serial number
You must enter the serial number of the controller (located on the
bottom left portion of the controller). Without this number, the
controller will not communicate with the computer.
Input connection
Select if the controller will be used with:
No end-of-line resistor
Simple end-of-line resistor, or
Double end-of-line resistor.*
Reader type
Select the reader type used with the controller. Click on the pick
list for a list of available readers.
Keypad type
Select the keypad type used with the controller. Click on the pick
list for a list of available keypads.
Select the type of Anti-Passback used: NONE, SOFT, or HARD
Anti-Passback allows you to prevent tailgating by cardholders
thus increasing the level of security. Only cards programmed
with the Anti-Passback option set to “yes” are monitored for
Anti-Passback violations. It keeps track of the number of
monitored cardholders in an area defined by corresponding
ENTRY/EXIT readers.
You can verify the status (ENTRY/EXIT) of monitored cards
according to their last use in the Card List option. A relay can
be activated when a certain number of monitored cards are
located inside the area; the relay deactivates when the number
of cards in the area drops below the selected count.
Hard Passback:
A card used at an ENTRY reader will not be able to access the
same ENTRY reader again until it has used the corresponding
EXIT reader and vice versa.
Soft Passback:
Allows the person to use an ENTRY (or EXIT) reader more than
one time even though the corresponding EXIT (or ENTRY)
reader was not used. Each entry/exit granted event that is out
of sequence will generate a passback fault event but will allow
the user to enter.
Anti-Passback reset schedule
The schedule you select will reset all controlled cards to “un-
known location status” until the cards are used at either of the
controller’s readers.
The card will be set to ENTRY or EXIT (depending on which of the
two readers it is used at next) and, from then on, the system will
keep track of the card until the next scheduled or manual reset.
Count that activates relay
Select a number between 1 and 8000. The system keeps track of
the number of monitored cards that are in the area and changes the
state of a relay when this count is reached.
When cards exit the area, the counter decrements and the relay will
eventually reset when the count is lower than the value defined.
If “0” is selected the relay will not trigger.
Note: Only cards programmed with the Anti-Passback option set
to “yes” (see user definition menu) will increment or decrement the
count. For a reliable count, all cards should be monitored and hard
Anti-Passback should be implemented.
Typical application for count function
A company with 200 employees has a parking lot with 100 parking
spots. The parking lot entrance/exit is fitted with an ENTRY/EXIT
reader set to hard Anti-Passback. All employees who want to
access the parking lot must use a card with Anti-Passback
The system will keep track of how many cars are in the parking lot.
When the count reaches 100, a relay can turn on the power to a