W i n P a s s R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l
i n P a s s R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l
i n P a s s R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l
i n P a s s R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l
i n P a s s R e f e r e n c e M a n u a l
DN1237-0003 © 1997-2000 Kantech Systems Inc.
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“PARKING LOT FULL” sign, when the count goes back below 100
the relay will be deactivated and the sign will turn off.
You have the option of setting up the system to prevent access
after the count is reached or just turn on the sign but still allow
Preventing access affects all cardholders, this option cannot be
limited to cardholders who are monitored for Anti-Passback.
Relay activated on count
Select a local relay that will be activated when the count is reached.
Assigning Expansion Modules
To assign expansion modules, click on the “KT-300” button.
The Combus terminals on the KT-300 controller are used to
connect expansion modules to add more inputs, outputs, relays
and LCD keypads. The four Combus terminals of the main panel
must be connected to the four Combus terminals or wires of all
There are 4 expansion modules that can be connected to KT-300’s
Combus (more specifications of each of these modules can be
found in Section 7 - Combus Specifications, Repower and Mod-
1) KT-PC4108 - (8-Zone Input Expansion Module)
2) KT-PC4204 - (4-Relay/Power Supply Expansion Module)
3) KT-PC4216 - (16-Zone Output Expansion Module)
4) KT-LCD4501 - (LCD Time & Date Display Module)
During installation of the modules, it is necessary to inform the
system that new modules have been installed on the Combus. To
assign the modules to your system (software), follow these steps:
1. Establish communication between the computer and the con-
2. Remove the tamper switch wire (or only the wire if tamper
switch is not used, of each module you want to define (if using
KT-LCD4501, press the # key of each keypad),
3. A list of unassigned components should be displayed on the
screen, on the same window, you should see the type of
module, the serial number and on which controller it is con-
nected. Note these numbers. See example below:
4. Select the functionality of each module (in controller definition
menu) and enter the serial number in the appropriate field (see
following information for each module).
Field Definition
Identifies the controller on which the modules are wired.
Identifies the module type that is wired to the controller.
Identifies the serial number of the wired module. Note the serial
numbers and press OK to accept. This number has to be entered
in the controller definition.
KT-PC4108 - 8-zone input expansion module
Field Definition
This field identifies the physical address of the module.
If selected, the system will generated a Combus module defect
event on the controller, whenever the tamper is disconnected from
the module.
Low Pwr
If selected, the system will generate a Combus module defect event
on the controller, for a lost of power from the module.
Serial #
Register the serial number of the module, showed in the List of
unassigned components screen.
Select the module’s functionality. Zones 9-16 will define the 8
inputs of the modules as a physical address from 9 to 16.
KT-PC4204 - 4-relay and additional power supply module
The KT-PC4204 can be used to “repower” the Combus. Depend-
ing on how many modules are connected to the Combus and how
far they are from the KT-300 controller, you may need to “repower”
the controller’s Combus (see Section 7 - Combus Repower for more