Juice Dispenser FSD4000
© K. & M. Holland GmbH
© K. & M. Holland GmbH
Juice Dispenser FSD4000
Subject to technical change without prior notice! Version 2.0, 11/2017
Subject to technical change without prior notice! Version 2.0, 11/2017
Declaration of conformity with Article 14 of
Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 of the
European Parliament and of the Council
We, K. & M. Holland GmbH, VAT identification number DE 131454789, declare under our sole
responsibility that when placing on the market pre-charged equipment, which we import to or
manufacture in the Union, the hydrofluorocarbons contained in that equipment are accounted
for within the quota system referred to in Chapter IV of Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 as:
we hold authorisation(s) issued in accordance with Article 18(2) of Regulation (EU) No
517/2014 and registered in the registry referred to in Article 17 of that Regulation, at the
time of release for free circulation to use the quota of a producer or importer of hydroflu
orocarbons subject to Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 that cover(s) the quantity
of hydrofluorocarbons contained in the equipment.
[for importers of equipment only] the hydrofluorocarbons contained in the equip
ment have been placed on the market in the Union, subsequently exported and charged
into the equipment outside the Union, and the undertaking that placed the hydrofluo
rocarbons on the market made a declaration stating that the quantity of hydrofluorocar
bons has been or will be reported as placed on the market in the Union and that it has
not been and will not be reported as direct supply for export in the meaning of Artic-
le 15(2)(c) of Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 pursuant to Article 19 of Regulation (EU) No
517/2014 and Section 5C of the Annex to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No
[for equipment manufactured in the Union only] the hydrofluorocarbons charged into
the equipment were placed on the market by a producer or importer of hydrofluorocar
bons subject to Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 517/2014.
Bogen, 8. February, 2017
Martin Holland, CEO