Juice Dispenser FSD4000
© K. & M. Holland GmbH
© K. & M. Holland GmbH
Juice Dispenser FSD4000
Subject to technical change without prior notice! Version 2.0, 11/2017
Subject to technical change without prior notice! Version 2.0, 11/2017
7.16 Portion Control
Portioning is only possible with the Portion Control Dongle, where the portioning times are
By pressing a dispensing button, the automatic dispensing process starts for the duration of the
programmed portioning time. Basically, the first portion size is selected. The dispensing ope
ration stops with reaching of the portioning time or by pressing the dispensing button again.
By pressing the Hidden-Button, the second portion size is selected for the next dispensing ope
ration. This is indicated in the display by activating all decimal points. If you do not tap within 3
seconds, the selection of the second portion size is automatically deactivated. Also the pressing
the Hidden-Button within the 3 seconds deactivates the second portion size.
7.17 Programming the Portion Control
If the Portion Control Dongle is inserted, the programming mode can be selected by pressing
the grey Service-Button („Por“).
Pressing the Hidden-Button activates the programming of the portion size for 3 seconds (de
cimal points are shown at the display). Pressing the Hidden-Button again within the 3 seconds
deactivates the second portion size.
The programming of a juice line starts by pressing the appropriate juice line button. The dis-
pensing time is counted during the actuation of the juice line button. When the dispensing time
has been detected, this is displayed in 1/10 seconds.
Save the portioning time by pressing the grey Service-Button for 3 seconds. The display shows
during this time „P x“ flashing, where x is the number of the juice line. When the grey Service-
Button is released, the display returns to the programming mode („Por“).
If the grey Service-Button is only pressed briefly, the programming is interrupted and the dis
play also returns to the programming mode („Por“).