Locate the Dish Assembly, Floats and Float Arms.
(See Figure 1 & 2)
Attach the Floats to the Float Arms.
(See Figure 3)
Attach the Float Arm Assembly to the Dish Assembly with provided bolts and nylock nuts.
(See Figure 4 & 5)
Repeat STEPS 1 through 3 for the other two floats.
The following pages give detailed instructions on how to assemble different portions of the
machine; however, the order in which the components are assembled and entered into the reservoir may
need to be altered based on the hatch size and whether the reservoir will be full or empty. For instance, the
hose assembly to the base of the machine can be performed on the reservoir exterior prior to lowering the
equipment inside if the hatch has a clear opening of
at least 24 inch diameter (60cm)
. A hatch this size or
larger will allow the SB500PWc collapsible unit assembly to be installed without requiring float disassembly.
For smaller hatches, the SB500PWc collapsible unit assembly will need to be broken down into multiple
components and the hose assembly will need to be performed inside the reservoir. The following order of
operations listed is based on a wet installation and small hatch opening. The float arm assembly is
pre-attached at the factory.
Fig 1:
Dish Assembly
Fig 3:
Float Arm Assembly
Fig 4:
Attaching Float Arm Assembly
Fig 5:
Detailed View with Float Attached
Fig 2:
Float and Float Arms
© 2020 Ixom | www.medoraco.com | 866 - 437 - 8076 | [email protected]
Small Frame Assembly
SB500PWc Assembly
Assembly Diagram
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