This LED indicates the status of the fans in the cabinet.
Steady green
Normal operation
Steady amber
One or more fans failed
The audible alarm sounds when a fan fails.
Disk Activity LEDs
The eight Disk Activity LEDs on the front of the cabinet indicate activity, such as reads or
writes, on each of the installed drives. For the rack-mount cabinet, the Disk Activity LEDs
are the upper set of LEDs. For the tower-based cabinet the Disk Activity LEDs are the set on
the right side.
When the InterRAID-8e cabinet door is closed, you cannot view the individual Disk Activity
LEDs on the installed drives. Therefore, the cabinet door has a corresponding Disk Activity
LED for each installed disk drive to allow you to view the activity of each drive with the
cabinet door closed. Refer to the disk drive manufacturer’s specifications for information
pertaining to the Disk Activity LED.
Drive Status LEDs
The eight Drive Status LEDs on the front of the cabinet indicates the status of each of the
installed drives. For the rack-mount cabinet, the Disk Status LEDs are the lower set of
LEDs. For the tower-based cabinet the Disk Status LEDs are the set on the left side. The
following table shows the status indications for disk drives in an InterRAID-8e cabinet
attached to a MegaRAID controller.
InterRAID-8e (SAF-TE Cabinet)
Steady green
Disk drive assigned to an array and ready
Blinking green
Disk drive not assigned to an array ; or hot spare
Steady amber
Disk drive rebuild in progress*; or array critical**
Blinking amber
Disk drive failed
Disk drive not installed or not seated
* Steady amber on all drives in array (logical drive) being rebuilt.
** Steady amber on critical array , blinking amber on failed drive.