- The project directory in which you will develop your Intelligent
Device Platform XT-based solution. The build requires approximately 20 GB of free
space in this directory.
- The build cache directory. Using a build cache
can significantly reduce the time required to build the project after incremental
changes are made. The build requires approximately 10 GB of free space in this
Use these commands to create the directories:
cd $HOME
mkdir WindRiver
mkdir Installer
mkdir Project
mkdir Project/build-cache
You must also have approximately 15 GB of temporary disk space in the
In total, a minimum of approximately 100 GB is required to complete the full runtime
build process.
Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series —Prepare to Build Your Runtime Image
IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Getting Started Guide
April 2015
Order No.: 330295-004