4. When the process completes, remove the USB flash drive and re-insert it into the
Host System. The USB flash drive mounts as
5. Copy and rename the new configuration tar file from your Host System to your
USB flash drive, using the following command.
sudo cp export/intel-quark-glibc-idp-standard-dist-srm.tar.bz2 \
6. Use the following command to verify the build image has been copied to the USB
flash drive by listing the directory contents as follows:
ls /media/<username>/wr_usb_boot/opt
7. Your output should include:
If you do not see this file:
Verify your configure command was correct in
Build Intelligent Device Platform
Verify that your copy command was correct in step 8, above.
8. Use the following command to unmount the USB flash drive, replacing the
with the information you wrote down in step 1:
umount /dev/sd?1 /dev/sd?2
9. Remove the USB flash drive from the Host System.
Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series —Put Intelligent Device Platform XT Runtime
Image onto USB Flash Drive
IoT Gateway Development Kit DK200 Series
Getting Started Guide
April 2015
Order No.: 330295-004