Controlling the
Remote lnfoView‘s
built-in camera
On the Main Menu, press (1) to access the Video sub-menu.
Within the Video Menu, press (3) to get into the Remote Camera sub-menu.
To pan remote camera
1. On the Video Menu, press (3) to access the Remote Camera sub-menu.
2. Press (4) to pan the camera LEFT
3. Press (6) to pan the camera RIGHT
4. Once you have chosen a preferred position, simply press (5) to exit.
To tilt remote camera
1. On the Video Menu, press (3) to access the Remote Camera sub-menu.
2. Press (2) to tilt the camera UPWARD
3. Press (8) to tilt the camera DOWNWARD
4. Once you have chosen a preferred position, simply press (5) to exit.
To zoom with the remote camera
1. On the Video Menu, press (3) to access the Remote Camera sub-menu.
2. Press (1) to ZOOM IN
3. Press (7) to ZOOM OUT
4. Once you have chosen a preferred position, simply press (5) to exit.
To get high quality remote snap shot
InfoView has the Snap Shot feature which allows you to freeze the picture at high
resolution, this will be useful if you need to look at an object or a picture presented by
your remote party.
1. When in Main Menu, press (1) on Video to access the Video sub-menu.
2. Press (3) on Remote Camera to access the camera control option list.
3. Press (3) to get a snap shot on the remote view.
4. You may press on (3) to toggle between Snap Shot (
) [pause] and Snap Shot
) [normal mode].
5. Upon completion, press (5) to exit.
To configure the remote camera quickly
1. At the REMOTE CAMERA sub-menu, press (9) to proceed to CONFIG
2. Press (1) to toggle between Camera Type (PAL or NTSC)
3. Press (2) to toggle between Camera Source [built-in camera or external camera
4. Press (5) to exit and all changes will be saved