5.4 Fine-Tuning on Video Phone Conversation
What kind of features are there to fine-tune my video call ?
Users can adjust picture quality, activate privacy mode and capture high quality
snapshot. These are the built-in features which complement the video call so that
the phone conversation can be rich, multimedia and value added.
To adjust picture quality.
How do you define picture quality?
Picture quality can be fine-tuned based on two parameters: Picture Sharpness and
Picture Smoothness. Under maximum sharpness, users can expect optimized clarity on
the picture details; on the other hand, under maximum picture smoothness, fast
motion is being captured and presented in the best possible manner. Overall, users
may adjust the picture quality within these two parameters in order to achieve the
best possible picture with the necessary sharpness and motion depiction.
(1) Video
(1) Quality
(1) Quality
(5) Back
(1 ) Sharp
(2) Fast
(8) Privacy
(5) Back