Everest XCR - Product Manual |
Wiring and Connections
INGENIA | 08/04/2019
9.7.2. EtherCAT interface
Everest XCR Servo Drive provides access to the EtherCAT fieldbus system. EtherCAT is an isolated bus suitable for
hard and soft real-time requirements in automation technology, test and measurement and many other
applications. The drive can be accessed and configured using any EtherCAT master over EtherCAT connecting the
PC to the port 0 (in).
The next figure shows how to connect the Everest XCR in an EtherCAT bus. It is recommended to follow the
standard IEC 61918-2013 for best practices.
MotionLab 3
Motion Lab 3 does not have direct support for EtherCAT. Please, see
further information on how to connect Motion Lab 3.