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Transpector MPS Operating Manual
Chapter 2
Connecting Transpector MPS
2.1 Introduction
Transpector MPS uses Ethernet as its default communications method.
Transpector MPS has an IP address and a MAC address.
IP addresses are used as a means of identifying individual devices on a network.
IP addresses are unique on a network but not universally, that is, meaning that only
one device on a network can have a specific IP address but two devices on
separate networks can have the same IP address.
MAC addresses are another identifier that are unique for each device. MAC
addresses are never duplicated. FabGuard uses IP addresses to locate and
identify sensors on a network.
2.2 General Networking Information
This section will discuss some of the general networking variables that can affect
the connection of Transpector MPS.
2.2.1 IP Addresses
IP addresses can be set either manually or automatically:
Static (manual) IP addresses are set by the user and are manually changeable
by the user
Dynamic (automatic) IP addresses are automatically set by a Host
INFICON recommends using Static IP addresses for Transpector MPS but allows
for Dynamic IP addresses set through DHCP (Dynamic Host Communication
When using Static IP addresses, a block of addresses should be reserved
for Static use and prohibited from being assigned by the DHCP server
(Host). This will avoid duplicate IP address conflicts from occurring.