7 - 5
Transpector MPS Operating Manual
Sensor contaminated
Degas sensor.
Bake-out sensor.
Service sensor.
System pressure too low
Increase sample pressure, if
Mass calibration (resolution)
Adjust Mass Calibration,
increase peak width.
Sensor Operating
parameters set wrong
Check settings of: electron
energy, ion energy, focus
emission current.
Improper calibration
Ensure that the total
pressure gauge used for
sensitivity calibration was
properly calibrated.
Electronics failure
Return to INFICON for repair.
EM has low gain
Bake-out sensor.
Replace sensor.
Poor peak shape
Sensor contaminated
Degas sensor.
Bake-out sensor.
Service sensor.
System pressure too high
Verify pressure less than
5E-4 Torr for
Transpector MPS.
Mass calibration required
Perform Mass calibration.
Electronics failure
Return to INFICON for repair.
Table 7-1 Symptom—Cause—Remedy Chart (continued)