HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Security)
A protocol for
communications through
A system to display an image by scanning for every second line.
IP address
An identifier allocated to identify a device on a TCP/IP network.
An image compression format. Compared with conventional JPEG formats, this
features less block-noises and high image quality at high compression ratios. An
image can also be clipped and trimmed in various sizes.
Thanks to this function, the network camera/encoder provides for scalable streaming
in which multiple sizes of an image can be streamed.
MAC (Media Access Control) address
An identifier allocated to identify a device on a network. This is an address specific to
the hardware (network card, for example).
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit)
The largest number of data bytes that can be transmitted at once.
Network address
An address to identify a network from other ones. To communicate between devices
with different network addresses, a gateway or router is needed.
NTSC (National Television Systems Committee)
Video signal system in use in Japan, USA and certain other places.
NTP (Network Time Protocol)
A protocol to automatically adjust the clock of a device that is connected with a
PAL (Phase Alternation Line)
Video signal system in use mainly in Europe and Asia.