Collective pitch servo
Collective pitch servo
Pitch-axis / roll servo
Pitch-axis / roll servo
cut off
cut off
The radio control
Cut off the mounting lugs from all the servos using a
sharp knife or side-cutters.
Switch on your transmitter and connect the battery. Initially
move the throttle/collective pitch stick to the centre position.
Cut off the two long arms and one short arm from the
cruciform output device, and fit the output arm on the servo
shaft in the position shown. Now apply maximum collective
pitch (full throttle) at the transmitter, and connect the
collective pitch pushrod to the hole in the output arm on the
collective pitch servo.
Now you can move the collective pitch sleeve by moving the
servo vertically up and down. Carefully move the servo
(caution - don't use force!) to the topmost position, i.e. the
point where the collective pitch sleeve is touching the rotor
head centre piece. Glue the servo to the servo mount in this
position. When the glue has set hard, move all the
transmitter sticks to the centre position, set the pitch-axis
and roll-axis trims to centre, and connect the pitch-axis and
roll-axis servos.
Fit the long servo output arms on the servos as shown,
keeping them as close to horizontal as possible, and fit the
output arm retaining screws to secure them.
With the PRO-Piccolo you control the helicopter's climb and
descent by changing the pitch (incidence) angle of the main
rotor blades. There are two alternative methods of achieving
this, and they are described in the appropriate sections of
the building instructions:
If you are using a 4-channel radio control system:
1) Combined control of collective pitch and rotational speed
using a single function. For this version a 4-channel radio
control system and the 4-channel Piccoboard are sufficient.
The drive motor and collective pitch servo are inter-
connected using a Y-lead. In this variant the model is flown
without idle-up. This version is referred to as
in these
If you are using a 5/6-channel radio control system:
2) Separate control of rotational speed and collective pitch.
For this version you need a radio control system with a least
5 channels, plus the facility to mix the two functions. Please
refer to your radio control system instruction manual for
details of available mixers. Note that the tail rotor mixer at
the transmitter must be set to 0 if you are using this method
of control, since the Piccoboard assumes the mixing
function. With this alternative you have an aerobatic
helicopter which is capable of flying rolls, loops and even
inverted. Main rotor speed remains largely constant over the
full range of collective pitch, which means that even steep
descents and abrupt braking manoeuvres present no
problems. This version is referred to as
in these
instructions.The first step is to glue the servo mount 68218
in the triangular opening in the side of the chassis. Slide the
prepared collective pitch sleeve assembly onto the rotor
shaft from the top, then slide the collective pitch actuator
ring 68210 over the collective pitch pushrod 68220 and
press both components onto the ballrace of the collective
pitch sleeve. Place the rotor head centre piece on the rotor
shaft, and fit the retaining pin to secure it.
The collective pitch servo is connected to the Piccoboard as
: Connect the throttle function connector from the
receiver to the collective pitch servo using the Y-lead (Order
No. 68227). Connect the other end of the Y-lead to the
throttle channel on the receiver.
: Refer to the RC system manual and check the required
channel assignment for your radio control system. Connect
the collective pitch servo and the throttle function to the
appropriate channels.
max. Pitch
max. Pitch