SmartPLC SafeLine AC4S with fieldbus interfaces
Set the following parameters in group [Device]:
1. [Vendor]: Select ifm electronic.
2. Table: Mark the required logical device (→ Remark).
3. [Name]: Enter unambiguous instance name.
Apply the set values with [Add Device].
CODESYS adds instances of the logical device to the following positions of the device tree:
– in the standard area as sub-element of the node [local_IO_]
– in the safety extension area as sub-element of the node [Logical I/Os]
Close the dialogue window with [Close].
2 Assign input and/or output channels
In standard area of device tree:
Double click on the added logical device.
Editor window shows configuration options of the logical device.
Select tab [Safe Local IO Configuration].
Table shows the following parameters in dependence on the selected logical device:
Interface type
Input (2 channels)
Local input which is connected to sensor channel A
Local input which is connected to sensor channel B
Output (1 channel)
Local output which is connected to the actuator or at which the test
signal is to be provided.
Output (2 channels)
Local output which is connected to actuator channel A.
Local output which is connected to actuator channel B.
Enter the required value for each parameter in column [Value].
Logical device is coupled with the set input and/or output channels.
Symbol in the device tree shows assigned I/O channels.
3 Optional: Add more logical devices
Repeat steps 1 to 2 to add additional logical devices to device tree.
Remarks about the configuration of the logical devices →
Configure safe devices at local I/O
Remarks about removal of the logical device: →
Remove safe local device from project