SmartPLC SafeLine AC4S with fieldbus interfaces
Configure safety task
The safety tasks of the safe application are configured via the "Safety Task Editor" of the
programming system CODESY safety.
► Familiarise yourself with the following CODESYS functions!
Safety Task Editor
→ Online help > Add-Ons > CODESYS Safety > Editors >Safety Task Editor
Set cycle time of the fail-safe PLC
The programmer can freely set the cycle time of the fail-safe PLC. Whole values from 10...100 ms are
To set the cycle time of the fail-safe PLC:
In the safety extension area of the device tree:
Double-click on [Safety Logic] > [SafetyApp] > [Safety Task]
Editor window shows the configuration options of the selected safety task.
Enter the required cycle time in the field [Cycle time].
Select the safety POUs from the list to which the set cycle time should apply.
The set cycle time applies to all selected safety POUs.