1.4.7. Schedule Setup Overview
Schedule Setup controls the type of recording for each channel: Continuous, Motion, Sensor or Motion. The
schedule settings can be configured for each channel independently. The schedule settings from any channel can be copied
to any other channel(s). The following types of recording are available for each channel:
Continuous recording
– the selected channel records continuously. Continuous video recordings take up a lot of the
hard drive space. Continuous video recording is required to use emergency frame rate feature. Color code: pink
Emergency Frame rate recording
- this type of recording may only be used in combination with the continuous video
recording. Emergency frame rate recording means that the selected channel will record continuously at a set frame rate
until the motion is detected or until linked sensor is triggered; as soon as the motion is detected/sensor is triggered the
selected channel will begin recording continuously at a higher (emergency) frame rate that is configured in Recording/Display
setup tab. The recording frame rate will go back to the original setting 10 seconds after the sensor has been triggered
or after the motion has ceased. See Emergency Frame Rate Recording section for more information. The emergency-
frame-rate type video recording is displayed in red color on search. Color code: pink
Sensor recording
– the selected channel records only when the sensor has been triggered. The sensor has to be enabled
and must be associated with a specific channel in the Hardware Setup. Color code: orange
Motion recording
– the selected channel records only when motion is detected. Motion detection target zones have
to be configured in the Motion Setup. Color code: blue
Motion recording
– the selected channel records when the sensor has been triggered or motion is detected.
The sensor has to be enabled and must be associated with a specific channel in the Hardware Setup. Color code: teal
VideoLogix recording
– the selected channel records when a VideoLogix even has occured. The VideoLogix setup tab
must be properly configured. Color code: lime
Each channel can be assigned custom com-
bination of these recording types based on
the day of the week and time of the day.
Schedule Setup
Chapter 1. SRX-Pro Server
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