1.6.3. Quick Backup in Search Mode
i³ recommends using CD-R/DVD-R media.
Quick Backup allows saving a portion of the video recording from any calendar day to a CD-R/DVD-R in Encrypted format.
To perform a quick CD backup in Search Mode, do the following:
1. Ensure that there is enough free space on the D drive - at least 650 MB should be available. If no drive/partition D is
present, drive C will be used.
Click the
button to access the Search mode
3. Select one or more channels by clicking on appropriate channel selection buttons.
4. Set the start time in the Calendar window or by clicking directly on the timeline.
5. Right-click inside the 24-hour timeline. The context menu will appear. Select
Mark Start
to choose the start time.
Start time on the timeline will be marked with the broken green line.
6. Right-click inside the 24-hour timeline, where the backup recording should end. The context menu will appear. Select
Mark End
to choose the end time. End time on the timeline will be marked with the broken red line and the video
segment between Start and End time lines will be grayed out.
7. Right-click on the highlighted video segment. The context menu will appear. Select
to save the backup session
to the Backup menu.
Quick Backup in Search Mode
Chapter 1. SRX-Pro Server
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