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autocut 5-32cts user manual edItIon II 2015-01-16
1. Introduction
The purpose of this manual is to provide the necessary information for competent,
safe use of the hose cutting machine.
This information is the result of continuous, systematic data processing and technical
tests recorded and validated by the manufacturer, in accordance with the internal
procedures to ensure the safety of information: 2006/42/EC.
the information below is intended eXclusIvelY for specialized users, capable of interac-
ting with the product with the utmost safety people, the machine and the environment,
interpreting basic diagnostics of problems and malfunctions and performing simple checks
and maintainance, in full compliance with the instructions given from the pages that fol-
lows and with current health and safety regulations.
the manual does not examine in depth the topics of disassembly and extraordinary main-
tainance, as these operations must always be carried out by our authorized technical ser-
to handle the machine properly, it is necessary to keep the manual in good condition for
the future. contact the nearest authorized technical service if you need a new manual or
more complete information.
before each intervention to the machine or its packaging, read the instructions in the fol-
lowing manual very carefully.
Every operator using the machine, MUST read the following instructions before
hydroscand machine ab declines any responsability for damage to persons, things or to the
machine itself, arising fromits incorrect use, neglience and superficial interpretations of
safety concepts in this manual.
this instruction manual should serve for the duration of the cutting machine´s operating
life and be available for at least 10 (ten) years. We recommend to keep it in a known and
accessible place (possible together with other documents related to the machine).
2. general precautions
always make sure in advance that the minimum safety, placement and operating standards
are respected, taking note of the environmental conditions, temperature, humidity, ligh-
ting, vibrations, suspended dust and the appropriateness of the area to be occupied.
for unloading from pallet or moving of an unpacked machine, the lifting device on the top
must be used. any other lifting device may cause damage to people, property or the
machine itself.
the cutting machine is constructed to operate indoors (workshops, industries etc.) where
there is no risk of explosion or fire.
do not combine the machine with other equippment unless you have an approval from the
manufacturer. If other equippment are installed on the machine, or if the machine is com-
bined with other equippment it’s necessary to make a risk analysis and a ce approval for the
whole foundation.