Click Yes to open the IRC.
Click No to return to the login interface.
Click Import CA to import the CA certificate (*.cer, *.crt, or *.pem). After the
CA certificate is imported, the security risk dialog box will no longer be
The IRC of the server is displayed, as shown in
Figure 9-15 IRC of the server
9.3 Logging In to the iBMC CLI
● A user will be locked out after five consecutive login failures with wrong passwords. The
user is automatically unlocked 5 minutes later, and an administrator can unlock the user
on the CLI.
● For security purposes, change your initial password at your first login and change the
password periodically.
● By default, the CLI timeout interval is 15 minutes.
Logging In over SSH
Secure Shell (SSH) provides secure remote login and other network services on a
non-secure network. A maximum of five users can log in over SSH at the same
TaiShan 200 Server (Model 2280)
User Guide
9 Common Operations (iBMC V3.01.00.00 or Later)
Issue 09 (2021-01-12)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.