Cable Specifications
Recommended: dual-layer three-core outdoor copper cable with a conductor
cross-sectional area of 10 mm
Step 1
Connect the power cable of the tracking system to the terminal block.
Figure 5-7
Cable connection
5.6 Connecting the AC Output Power Cable
A three-phase AC switch should be installed on the AC side of the inverter. To
ensure that the inverter can safely disconnect itself from the power grid when an
exception occurs, select a proper overcurrent protection device in compliance with
local power distribution regulations.
Do not connect loads between the inverter and the AC switch.
The inverter is integrated with a comprehensive residual current detection unit to
distinguish fault current from residual current. Upon detecting that the residual
current exceeds the threshold, the inverter immediately disconnects from the
power grid.
SUN2000-(175KTL-H0, 185KTL-INH0, 185KTL-H1
User Manual
5 Electrical Connections
Issue 05 (2020-08-30)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.