Racing Kit
Breather hose clips
(racing kit)
Breather hose B
(racing kit)
Breather Case Installation
1. Disconnect the crankcase breather hose from the air cleaner housing and cylinder head cover, then remove the breather hose.
2. Install the breather hose B onto the air cleaner housing and the racing kit breather case using the standard clips.
3. Install the breather hose A to the cylinder head cover and racing kit breather case using the clips in the racing kit.
4. Install the breather hose C to the racing kit breather case using the clip in the racing kit.
5. Install the breather case assembly into the frame (same location as the previously installed EVAP PAIR control valve/horn stay), tighten the bolt securely.
6. Remove the oil filler cap from the right crankcase cover, then install the oil return joint in place.
7. Connect the breather hose C to the oil return joint using the clamp in the racing kit, tighten the clamp securely.
Breather case comp.
(racing kit)
Breather hose A
(racing kit)
Breather hose C
(racing kit)
Bolt, 8 x 16 mm
(racing kit)
(racing kit)
Oil return joint
(racing kit)
(racing kit)
Hose connection