Installing and Configuring the Director 2/64
Director 2/64 Installation Guide
At least one director in a multi-switch fabric needs to be set as Principal or
Default. If all of the directors are set to Never Principal, all of the interswitch
links (ISLs) will segment. If all but one director is set to Never Principal and the
director that was principal goes offline, then all of the other ISLs will segment.
We recommend you leave the switch priority setting as Default. If you are
considering setting this value to something other than default, refer to the section on
principal switch selection for multi-switch fabrics in the
HP StorageWorks SAN High
Availability Planning Guide
for details.
For example, in the audit log, you may notice that the Principal setting maps to a
number code of 1, Default maps to a number code of 254, and Never Principal
maps to a number code of 255. The number codes of 2-253 are not currently in