Manage Firmware Versions
Director 2/64 Installation Guide
to show percent completion of the download. The bar progresses to 50% when
the last file is transmitted to the first CTP2 card. The bar remains at the 50%
point until the director performs an Initial Program Load (IPL) (indicated by
an “
” message). During the IPL, the director-to-HAFM server link
drops momentarily and the following occurs at the Product Manager:
As the network connection drops, the director Status table turns yellow,
the Status field displays
No Link
, and the State field displays a reason
The alert panel at the bottom of the navigation control panel displays a
gray square, indicating director status is unknown.
Illustrated FRUs in the Hardware View page are removed, and then
displayed again as the connection is re-established.
After the IPL, a “
Synchronizing CTP2s
” message displays. This
message remains as files are transmitted to the second CTP2 card and the
progress bar travels across the dialog box to 100%. When the download
reaches 100%, a “
Send firmware complete
” message displays.
8. Click Close to close the dialog box.
9. Click Close.