Rev. B
VCR Management
Dedicated VCRs
Selecting the Dedicated VCRs ‘Display’ tab displays
the following properties page.
Bank Number
MAXPRO-Net supports up to 99 banks of dedicated VCRs, each bank may contain up to 50
VCRs. The bank number is purely a reference number used to distinguish one bank of
dedicated VCRs from another. The bank number field is NOT a changeable field.
Dedicated VCR Number
These fields allow for the definition of which Dedicated VCRs reside in each bank, valid VCR
numbers are 1 – 9999 (N.B. the VCR number = the camera number being recorded by the
dedicated VCR).
Manual Start Input
Where Tape change sequencing is to be initiated manually this field is used to define the
external alarm input, which will be used to begin Tape change operations on this bank.
Upon entry of a value into this field, SetMax will automatically add the appropriate definitions
to the ‘External Alarm Inputs’ table. The range of valid entries is 1 – 9999; the default value is
0 indicating Tape change operations are automatically initiated.
When you have completed editing the dedicated VCR properties page, click on the OK