Rev. B
7.13.7 General
Late Rewind Management:
This check box enables the late rewind management function that automatically initiates
a rewind/eject sequence on the VCR, at the end of the review. The operator who was
previously reviewing the VCR will receive an on-screen message on the status of the late
rewind operation.
Alarm Group:
VCR management provides enhanced alarm handling capabilities for dedicated, standby
and logging VCRs. An alarm will only be generated when a VCR ceases to record for
reasons outside of system control, i.e. an alarm will occur due to a tape jam, but not if
the VCR is stopped for review or tape change. When an alarm does occur, the alarm
group is definable through this field allowing VCR alarms to be directed to specific
The VCR Alarm Group Number is defined as 1.
Enable Zero back control:
When zero back control is enabled, the tape counter is zeroed at the moment of review
initiation. When the review is complete, prior to selecting the ‘Review End’ key, the
operator presses the ‘Zero Back’ key to initiate an automatic search for the zero position
on the tape. Once the zero position has been reached, the operator presses the ‘Review
End’ key to terminate the review
Zero back function number is set to (13). Define an intercept key with function number
13. On pressing this intercept key, the zero back function is sent to the VCR.
Control Zero Function number is set to (14). Define an intercept key with function
number 14. On pressing this intercept key, the control zero function is sent to VCR.