HA7062D Manual Rev 1.01
Page 59 of 105
Error Message: "
LO1/LO2 power too low at V_tune = 10V: <pwr value>. Minimum 5dBm.
Amplify/increase signal source power as necessary" or "LO1 (or LO2) power too high at V_tune =
10V: <pwr value>. Maximum 13dBm"
Applies to additive measurements with HX5100's only. LO power levels must be
within the specified range for proper phase detector operation and to avoid damage. This error
occurs after an initial check of the power level, which occurs with V_tune @ 10Vdc because this
is when the HX5100's have minimal insertion loss.
Signal power must be increased/amplified or attenuated.
Error Message: "
LO1/LO2 power too low/high: <pwr value>, voltage <tune voltage value>.
Minimum 3dBm"
Applies to additive measurements only. The LO power level must be adequate in
order to ensure proper phase detector operation. The minimum is 3 dBm, 7dBm to 13dBm is the
optimal range.
Signal power must be increased/amplified or attenuated, ideally within the
range of 7dBm to 13dBm for optimal measurement sensitivity.
Error Message:
"Missing HX5100 frequency/voltage/delay data array"
Applies to additive measurements with HX5100's only. Indicates that a portion of
data (either frequency, voltage, or delay) from the HX5100 calibration table has not been
loaded. Will occur with customer's using custom applications.
When creating a custom application for additive measurements with
HX5100's, users must be sure to properly load all HX5100 calibration data using the appropriate
ASCII commands in Appendix A.
Error Message:
"DUT frequency out of range of HX5100 calibration table"
Applies to additive measurements with HX5100's only.
alibration tables have been loaded for the wrong HX5100 part
number, or the source frequency is not set/tuned properly.