HA7062D Manual Rev 1.01
Page 57 of 105
Error Message: "
DUT Frequency out of range. Measure DUT & LO's in Inputs menu for validation"
The DUT frequency is out of the specified range of the instrument.
Confirm power is supplied to the DUT. Confirm the DUT frequency at the
analyzer inputs by taking frequency counter & power meter readings using the Inputs menu or
the commands in Appendix A.
Check RF cables/connections. Check that the copper coaxial jumper cables are installed and
properly torqued on the front of the instrument.
A measurement system utilizing up/down conversion will be required if the DUT frequency is
outside of the instrument's range.
Error Message:
"DUT (or DUT2) power too low. Must be above -5dBm" or "DUT (or DUT2) power
too high. Must be below 20dBm"
DUT input power is outside range of -5 to +20 dBm.
A low noise pre-amplifier or attenuation is required to measure DUT's
outside of the specified input power range.
Check power supply and RF cables/connections. Check that the copper coaxial jumper cables
are installed and properly torqued on the front of the instrument.
Error Message:
LO1/LO2 calibration table is not monotonic. Increase frequency counter interval
and re-calibrate LO's.
Applies to External LO's only. The LO1/LO2 measured frequency values should
be always increasing, or always decreasing, with respect to the tune voltage.
Increase the frequency counter interval and re-calibrate LO's. Check LO's for
proper functionality with spectrum analyzer and replace LO's as necessary.
Error Message:
"Invalid Kd value (phase detector constant) supplied by user"
Applies to measurement configurations using external phase detectors (mixers)
where users are manually calculating and entering Kd. Kd must be greater than 0.
Kd is specified in units of 'Volts/radian'. Check calculation. Refer to the
measurement example 'Single Ch. Additive Measurement with External Mixer' for an example