Mount the lap strap ends of the five point harness as decribed in 5.8.
lap belt and preadjust them roughly.
To take the five point harness off proceed as follows:
• Press the red key on the buckle
• Press the keys of the length adjusters and pull the strap out so that
approx 5 cm (2 inches) of the strap end remains.
• Create wide loops which allow for the arms of your child to move
out of the harness easily.
• Lift your child out of the seat.
To put on the five point harness proceed as follows:
• Place your child into the seat.
• Put the elbow of your child through one of the shoulder strap loops
first and then the forearm and hand.
• Proceed with the other arm the same way.
• Put the buckle members one after each other into the buckle.
• Tighten shoulder and lap straps by pulling the strap ends coming
out of the length adjuster.
5.11 Foot straps
Thread the foot straps crosswise through the D-rings over the shoe/
foot of your child. The heel should be placed against the heel plate of
the footrest. Place the buckle always outward.
Pull the free strap end to tighten the foot straps.
Press the key on the buckle to open the buckle.