5.8 Lap belt
On each end of the lap belt you can find pre mounted triglides, which
are passed by the belt only once.
The length of the free belt ends determine the length of the complete
lap belt.
• Pass the free belt ends through the designated slots in the lower
part of the back base.
• Then thread the belt ends once again through the triglides.
Open the lap belt by pushing the red key on the buckle.
The lap belt can be adjusted by pulling the belt end next to the
buckle (Precision tuning).
5.9 Four-point lap belt
The assembly should be performed by trained technicians.
First the seat upholstery and the hip pad upholstery have to be
removed and the belt fasteners get mounted on the hip pads.
The belt ends get mounted and preset concerning the length as
described in 5.8. lap belt.
By pressing the plug ends the lap belt opens.
At the belt buckle the lap belt can be readjusted by adducting the
lap ends (fine tuning).