Additional Guides & Information
Tighten the Allen set screw.
7.5.7 Installing the AccuLink TPS
Begin installation by identifying the ratio arm. The ratio arm is a small oval piece of metal with a protruding stud on
its smaller end.
If you are installing the arm on an Edelbrock AFB or Holley carburetor, remove the insert washer / knockout. For a
Rochester Quadrajet, leave the washer in place.
Install the ratio arm onto the carburetor linkage using the ¼-20 x 5/8 pan-head Phillips screw, washer, and nylon
insert lock nut as shown above. The ratio arm is designed to mount in the linkage where a kick-down cable would
normally attach. The washer sits between the carburetor linkage and the nylon insert nut as shown on the
opposing page. Gently snug the screw and nut, but do not completely tighten.