Monitoring & Tuning Your System
4.2.20 R2L Pressure Boost
R2L is affects Reverse, Low, and second gear. It raises the transmission pressure by this amount when in the
position. This boost is ramped in slowly so it will not apply hard in reverse.
R2L Pressure Boost A
4.2.21 Downshift Offset
This screen allows you to adjust the passing gear (downshift) sensitivity. You can tune it between 95% and 75%.
The highest setting (95%) is very sensitive, which means passing gear or downshift when stepping on the throttle is
very easy.
When it is set to 75%, the throttle is less sensitive and takes more throttle to accomplish a downshift.
Downshift Offset A
4.2.22 Load Factory Defaults
When you change your engine or transmission type via the SETUP screens, COMPUSHIFT II will automatically
change the appropriate parameters that are different. But if you need to reset everything, use this function. You will
be asked to confirm your decision, since this function has such a large impact.
Reset to
factory defaults
This setting offers "A" and "B" modes. You can set up two different COMPUSHIFT configurations in
advance, and use the
This setting offers "A" and "B" modes. You can set up two different COMPUSHIFT configurations in
advance, and use the