Page 6-16
Rev. 2 Feb/17
Propeller Owner's Manual
(3) The area of repair should be determined as follows:
Leading and trailing edge damage: Depth of nick x 10.
Face and camber: Depth of nick x 20. Refer to Figure 6-6.
: Leading edge includes the first 10% of chord
from the leading edge. The trailing edge
consists of the last 20% of chord adjacent to
the trailing edge.
After filing or sanding of the damaged area, the area
must then be polished, first with emery cloth or Scotch
pad, and finally with crocus cloth to remove any
traces of filing.
(5) Inspect the repaired area with a 10X magnifying glass.
Make sure that indications of the damage, file marks,
or coarse surface finish do not remain.
(6) If inspections shows any remaining blade damage,
repeat steps 3.A.(4) and 3.A.(5) until no damage
(a) Penetrant inspection is recommended in accordance
with Hartzell Propeller Inc. Standard Practices
Manual 202A (61-01-02).
(7) Apply chemical conversion coating and approved paint to
the repaired area before returning the blade to service.
Refer to the section "Painting After Repair" in this chapter.