HAMEG Instruments GmbH • Industriestr. 6 • D-63533 Mainhausen • Deutschland
Subject to change without notice
Tel.: +49 (0) 6182 800 0 • Fax: +49 (0) 6182 800 100 • E-Mail: [email protected]
Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Andre Vander Stichelen • AG Offenbach am Main HRB 41200
HAMEG Instruments GmbH • Industriestraße 6 • D-63533 Mainhausen
Subject to change without notice
Tel.: +49 (0) 6182 800 0 • Fax: +49 (0) 6182 800 100 • E-Mail: [email protected]
Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen • AG Offenbach am Main HRB 41200
Firmware Version: 01.020 and later
S C P I P r o g r a m m e r s M a n u a l
H M S S e r i e s
HAMEG Instruments GmbH • Industriestraße 6 • D-63533 Mainhausen
Subject to change without notice
Tel.: +49 (0) 6182 800 0 • Fax: +49 (0) 6182 800 100 • E-Mail: [email protected]
Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen • AG Offenbach am Main HRB 41200
Firmware Version: 01.020 and later
S C P I P r o g r a m m e r s M a n u a l
H M S S e r i e s
HMO352x, HMO2524
HMO72x ... HMO202x
Firmware Version: 03.00 and later
S C P I P r o g r a m m e r s M a n u a l
H M O S e r i e s
SCPI Commands HMC8012
Messages and Command Structure
1.4.1 Messages
Instrument messages are employed in the same way for all interfaces, if not indicated otherwise in the description.
See also:
– Structure and syntax of the instrument messages:
chapter 1.4.2, „SCPI Command Structure“
, on page 7
– Detailed description of all messages:
chapter 2, „Command Reference“
, on page 20
There are different types of instrument messages:
– Commands
– Instrument responses
Commands (program messages) are messages which the controller sends to the instrument. They operate the instru-
ment functions and request information. The commands are subdivided according to two criteria:
1. According to the effect they have on the instrument:
– Setting commands
cause instrument settings such as a reset of the instrument or setting the frequency.
– Queries
cause data to be provided for remote control, e.g. for identification of the instrument or polling a
parameter value. Queries are formed by directly appending a question mark to the command header.
2. According to their definition in standards:
– The function and syntax of the Common commands
are precisely defined in standard IEEE 488.2. They are
employed identically on all instruments (if implemented). They refer to functions such as management
of the standardized status registers, reset and self test.
– Instrument control commands
refer to functions depending on the features of the instrument such as
frequency settings. Many of these commands have also been standardized by the SCPI committee. These
commands are marked as „SCPI compliant“ in the command reference chapters. Commands without this
SCPI label are device-specific, however, their syntax follows SCPI rules as permitted by the standard.
Instrument responses
Instrument responses (response messages and service requests) are messages which the instrument is sent to the
controller after a query. They can contain measurement results, instrument settings and information on the instrument
GPIB Interface Messages
Interface messages are transmitted to the instrument on the data lines, with the attention line (ATN) being active
(LOW). They are used for communication between the controller and the instrument and can only be sent by a compu-
ter which has the function of a GPIB bus controller. GPIB interface messages can be further subdivided into:
– Universal commands:
act on all instruments connected to the GPIB bus without previous addressing
– Addressed commands:
only act on instruments previously addressed as listeners
Universal Commands
Universal commands are encoded in the range 10 through 1F hex. They affect all instruments connected to the bus
and do not require addressing.
Addressed commands are encoded in the range 00 through 0F hex. They only affect instruments addressed as