Basic programming setup
Example 1
: The following example creates four identical composite samples
automatically if the sampler is programmed as follows:
Sample collection; sampling interval—30 minutes
Sample collection; samples to collect—25
Sample volume—100 mL
Every 30 minutes a sample is initiated and a 100 mL sample is drawn into the first
bottle. The distributor arm advances to bottle #2 and 100 mL. sample is drawn into the
second. This also occurs in bottles #3 and #4.
Sampling will continue every 30 minutes until 25 samples are deposited. Once all
samples are deposited the program will terminate. If Run Continuously is selected the
sampling will restart automatically.
to continue to Liquid Sensor.
Step 7 - Liquid sensor
The liquid sensor contains a pair of ultrasonic transducers which sense the presence of
liquid inside silicone tubing.
Enable or Disable Liquid Sensor using the
Note: Sample retries cannot be enabled when the liquid sensor
is disabled.
Enabling the liquid sensor
When the liquid sensor is enabled, the sampler will perform two duties:
It senses when liquid reaches the pump during an intake cycle. The pump then
reverses to rinse the line, up to 3 times.
It senses the absence of liquid during a sample intake cycle if the intake tubing is
plugged or if the water level has dropped below the level of the intake tube strainer.
This initiates a Sample Retry if programmed
Disabling the liquid sensor/timed calibration
Disabling the liquid sensor turns the liquid sensor off. The sample volume is then metered
using a timed method (Timed Calibration), instead of a
sensed method.
to continue to Sample Volume.
Step 8 - Sample volume
Note: The minimum sample volume is ten milliliters.
When multiple bottles are selected in Bottle Per Sample mode all bottles in a subset
receive a full sample volume. The volume is not divided among the bottles.
Goodnal STP ST041 Pre Treatment (Sigma 900 MAX All Weather Refrigerated Sampler) Vendor Manual
Q-Pulse Id VM373
Active 29/10/2013
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