Windsor 500 Programming Manual - Issue C
- 105 -
Change History
Change History
Issue B
Software Version 2.05
1. Added multi-level contents section.
2. Added 230v Auto Reset option to the system reset menu.
3. Added 230v Flt option to the system reset menu.
4. Added Log/Set option to the Set/Unset Options.
5. Added SetFailSndr option to the Set/Unset Options.
6. Added Key Holder option to the Set/Unset Options.
7. Added Cleaner and Unset authorities to the User Options.
8. Added change PIN row to the authority functions table. Correction, Reset authority users
cannot change PIN code.
9. Changed 240v references to 230v.
10. Added Vault Timer, Check Times and Auto Set 2 options to the area EvProg Ctrl Menu.
11. Added footnote on SmartDial Plus/Super in ISB programming.
12. Added X28 PAD type to the Serial port type menu.
13. Added the Verify Alm option to an EnEx circuit.
14. Added the Unset option to the area KP set mode menu.
15. Added Reset to the point ID table.
16. Modified the ACPO reset response. Added note about system TX channels reset.
17. Auto reset modified to log failures only once per hour.