Windsor 500 Programming Manual - Issue C
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Tel. Line menu
This option is only required if you are using SmartDial. If you intend sharing the telephone line
with a telephone handset then you must program the handset option to suspend normal line
condition monitoring. Even if the handset option is on line faults will be recognised if the panel
is fully set (see also the Lnft enable option). Consult your SmartDial manual for more details.
Tel. Line menu
Blind Dial
Normally the communicator will only dial if a valid dial tone is detected. In some
circumstances, such as dialling through a PABX or where the telephone exchange tones are
not reliable, it may be necessary to program the communicator to dial without recognising a
dial tone.
Tel. Line menu
In some countries the PTT offers a facility for requesting a new exchange connection if no dial
tone is detected. In the UK this is referred to as Timed Break Recall. In countries were there is
no such service or the recall facility is not used for the same purpose, the Recall option can be
turned off. Refer to the your communicator manual for more details.
Comms menu
Windsor has independent programmable outputs for each area and the system. Enter the
area number and then TX function number. Note that there are 2 pages of TX functions for
each area and the system. If you are using a communicator which is not using ADEMCO
fast format (e.g. SmartDial with point ID) it is not necessary to program individual
system and area outputs for the communicator. You can still program these outputs if
you require a local indication in addition to the communicator trigger.